Disability-inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction Network (DiDRRN) is a consortium of like-minded disabled people’s organisation (DPOs) and ‘mainstream’ and disability-focused development and relief organisations. Our collective aim is to secure the active participation, and meaningful contibution, of persons with disabilities in DRR policy and practice post – Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction
Why inclusion matters?
Persons with disabilities may be placed at increased disaster risk due to cognitive or physical impairments. These factors may limit the ability of a person with disabilities to access information and/or to act on that information. To date, the DRR community has paid little attention to widening the active participation of persons with disabilities. Similarly, little attention has been paid to addressing the environmental barriers and constraints that persons with disabilities face within a DRR context. As such, the way in which DRR is most usually done continues to exclude and denies access to potentially life-saving information and procedures for the most at-risk within communities.
Photo provided by Humanity & Inclusion